“Crisis Captain”
A unique intersection of academia and psychotherapy, Milan Krajnc is a Nobel-prize nominee, who is working wonders in the field of management and therapy. With his distinct approaches, tactical ways and effective processes, Milan was able to foster growth in business operations by coaching, mentoring and guiding its members.
Milan Krajnc is an expert in solving problems caused by different personalities in a company, municipality or country. He knows how to complete projects and start from point 0. He finds the cause of the problem and eliminates it. He has authored 30 books and more than 200 professional and scientific articles.
Milan likes to think of himself as the creator of a person’s personality. Over 20 years ago, he was working as a physics teacher in an elementary school. Then, while still a physicist, he began helping companies optimize their business processes. However, he quickly realized that the problem was not in the process, but the one who creates the processes. Many architects and interior designers started turning to him because they wanted him to first help people understand what they would like and dislike
Thus, he started studying psychology and psychotherapy. He completed two PhDs in management psychology with the title: “The personal influence of the mayor on the development of the local community!” and personality psychology in family businesses with the title: “How to run a family business so that it will last for centuries?”. Thus, he sailed into shaping a man’s personality, according to his true nature.
Leadership has evolved over the years, and in more ways than one. Milan has created a new scientific approach known as “Dynamilogy”. It is the active study of “living” processes and phenomena related to humans and nature! It is a new branch of science that he formed based on physics, psychology, and economics.
It relates to decoding nature’s secrets. Milan believes that if we look at nature closely enough, we see that everything is simple, that everything works on its own. And we often say that it would be great if it were like that also in our lives.
Let’s examine a diamond as an example. A diamond is made of carbon. But graphite is also made of carbon. The difference between the two is only in the atomic structure. And if we transfer this fact to our economy, how much graphite would we have to sell to get a value that is equal to the value of one diamond sold?
The whole secret is therefore in the right order. The code of nature is in the right order. If we compare a business process or a process in personal life with natural processes, we quickly figure out what we are doing wrong. This way we will also quickly come up with a formula for success. All we need to do is to put the process in our personal or business life in the right order.
The Dynamic Leadership Model is a business paradigm for the direction, organization and communication strategies of a company that prevents the personalities of those people who actively shape the business from influencing it. The entire model is based on the laws of nature. He created the special methodology himself, where each individual can transform into themself, their true self, through a business process that is very similar to natural processes. This model led him to the nomination for the Nobel prize in 2021.
Milan has never prepared a speech in advance, before he starts his speech, he likes to walk through the audience and exchange a few words with them. He likes to understand who they are, how they breathe and what they want. Then he starts talking to their energy, their subconscious. Gestures and a few keywords are often important, as he allows himself to feel the audience and vice versa, they talk on a completely higher level. But surely everyone who comes to the lecture will leave completely different, liberated. Namely, Milan creates such energy in the listeners that its frequency creates a vibration with each participant individually and raises them to a higher level. This begins the journey of purification, change and self-discovery.
Milan believes that a person’s personality is made up of many different factors. The first thing he does with people is to help them clear the subconscious, the psychological garbage. But then we start to discover their senses and emotions. To see if they even feel, are these their real emotions, or have they learned them from movies and their surroundings? The journey of self-discovery begins. For that purpose, he developed natural psychotherapy (Sirius Personal Transformation), where he took them through seven steps to a quantum leap so that they never fall into old patterns again. This means that people start to live and are aware of it. There is no more survival, only life.